Forever Young
Friday, May 20, 2011 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

Feeling sad now !
Don't know why.
I think is because after I hear the songs.
[ I'm trying to make myself happy. But I can't do it. ]
Sometimes I felt lonely.
Because no one can know what I thinking actually.
Who can be my good listeners?
PX, WS & WJ.
Thanks to be my good listeners.
When I came to this school.
I really very happy we can be best friend like now.
I will appreciate that !
I won't say we can't be best friend forever.
I believe we can be BEST FRIEND FOREVER !

[ There are things that we don't want to happen.
But have to accept.
Things we don't want to know.
 But have to learn  ]
=')  ❤

[ TRUST is like a paper once it's crumpled.
It can't be perfect ! ]

Appreciate what you all have now.
=)  ❤

Thanks for reading :)

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// Forever Young-One Direction