Forever Young
Thinking of you ! ❤
Sunday, May 1, 2011 ? 0 Atashinchi ?
Harlo !
Guys !
Dunno sad or happy now.
Or moody?
Or emo?
This week.
Happened many things ..
Got happy.
But also got sad..
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Jaasveen invited me went to padang !
He said wait at sch and we walked to padang together..
But I wait at school ady15 minits.
He aslo haven came..
I called Wan Jie.
Wan Jie say she coming school now..
After she reached.
We walked together and went to Jaasveen's house find him.
When we reached his house.
Wan Jie asked auntie..

Wan Jie : Erm. Auntie. Jaasveen...
Auntie : He was sleeping now ..
Lol !
Kena boom !
Say teman us but he didn't do it.
After he woke up.
We went to Wen Siew and Pei xian's house together..
We four person reached there.
Jaasveen also got invited his friend.
Langes, Suhan, Kishen, Poovan..
Another guys I don't know their name.
After that.
Jaasveen play their football.
Wen Siew, Wan Jie, Pei Xian and me.
Playing basketball and took photo !

I love this photo so muchhhh !

Me and Pei Xian !

Hah !
Cannot saw Wen Siew clearly..

Weeeee !

This is Jaasveen..
This photo not so clearly ..
Sorry .

I had a sweet memories at last Thursday..
❤ ❤ ❤

Thanks for reading :)

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